Black Dream Experiment Live
Black Dream Experiment LIVE is a Black-ass variety show, dream mixer, mutual aid fundraiser and moooore. Black Dream Experiment is an exploration of dreaming as an ancestral, wellness, and liberation practice. A project established by Kelsey O. Daniels in 2021 is finally happening, in person, at the Clark Cabaret. Featured artists of the night are CROWNE, DJ Almond Eyez, Kelsey O. Daniels, and Friiidae and there will also be open mic in between acts!
The cover is $5 and the proceeds will go towards mutual aid fundraisers and supporting local creatives.
This event is open to all HOWEVER this is a sacred space that prioritizes, centers, and celebrates Black people and our culture unapologetically. From the mic to the vendors – this space is for us and by us. All non Black attendees are expected to respect the space and behave as guests.