NUTCRACKERS – A Drag Holiday Spectacular
From the producers of WEDNESDAY’S WE WEAR BLACK, comes a Dragtastic Holiday Spectacular show that is an OPEN TO ALL AGES, celebrating the holiday season with that whimsical drag flair you know and love.
NUTCRACKERS – A Drag Holiday Spectacular
We’ll be coming down your chimneys DECEMBER 22ND at 9PM! With 12 new fierce and festive little elf’s to help us bring holiday cheer to all. And this year’s show will also be helping to benefit the house of resilience as part of the proceeds will be going to this amazing charity helping to support black trans women SO SNATCH THOSE TICKETS QUICK
$15 General Admission goes towards paying our fabulous performers, and supporting local drag, with a portion being donated to charity to assist and protect queer folks in need this holiday season.
$20 Fan Package includes a meet and greet, and photo op with the cast after the show.
For tickets, please visit : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nutcrackers-a-drag-holiday-spectacular-2021-tickets-226318252987?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
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