Diversionary is always seeking new, full-length LGBTQIA+ works for consideration. If you would like to submit your work, please follow the guidelines below.
Diversionary is always seeking new, full-length LGBTQIA+ works for consideration. Please follow the guidelines below if you would like to submit your work. Because of the volume of submissions, those that do not follow the guidelines will not be considered.
Please click below to submit your work. For music, please send the items in mp3 format or include a link to be accessed. No physical submissions sent to the theatre will be considered.
“A conversation is a dialogue, not a monologue. That’s why there are so few good conversations: due to scarcity, two intelligent talkers seldom meet.”― Truman Capote
Find answers to common questions about submitting work to Diversionary Theatre. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact us below and we’ll be happy to help!
Part of Diversionary’s mission is to tell the story of the LGBTQIA+ community, which we accomplish by considering works that have queer characters, themes, or are by queer playwrights. If at least one of these three applies, submit away!
We do not currently accept short plays for consideration. If you have an evening of short plays that are meant to be performed together as a unit, we can consider that as a full-length. Consider them as a whole and follow the same guidelines above.
We get a lot of submissions. It may take up to 12 months to respond and let you know whether we would like to see the full piece or not.
While your enthusiasm is very much appreciated, we are doing our best to respond in a timely manner and would prefer no follow ups after your initial submission. Rest assured, your submission will be reviewed as our scheduling allows, and we will be in touch.
If you submitted a piece before December of 2014, please resubmit following the new guidelines. Once a work has been submitted in that format, please do not resubmit the work. If you have any uncertainty about the quality of your piece, we encourage you to attend a Wordplay Tuesdays meeting and get feedback from your peers and other professional playwrights so that you’re only submitting the most refined version of your piece to us.
While we wish we could give feedback to everyone who makes a submission, due to the volume of submissions and the limited size of our staff, we are unable to provide feedback. However, we encourage you to attend a Wordplay Tuesdays meeting which is a free workshop where playwrights come together and share their work and provide feedback, encouragement, and ideas on how to turn your work into the best version of your vision.
We will be in touch regardless of if your piece is accepted or not. If we would like to see the full-length work, we will request it from you. Again, this could take up to 12 months, so please be patient when awaiting a response. Rest assured we will be in contact with you again to follow up.
We know the (often overwhelming) time and effort the submission process takes for playwrights, and we appreciate your hard work and wish you the best in all your endeavors. For that reason, we will be in touch regardless of our decision, as we respect your time just as you respect ours.
Thank you for considering Diversionary Theatre for your submission!